
Saturday, November 20, 2010


Melancholy is setting in again, like that neighbor you keep inviting over, even though he always makes you feel …less. Had a Cooper’s Brewery Extra Stout tonight at The Globe with the guys. It was like eating a very wet pumpernickel soaked in coffee. Pretty good, for an Australian (says the American). Was also reminded that break-ups aren’t really break-ups unless you actually stop hooking up. Haha.

Kings of Leon tickets go on sale tomorrow morning–gonna have to jump that. This post sounds more like a to-do list than anything else. I guess I’m just uneasy with what I’m actually supposed to write.

I had a dream last night where we were below the floorboards of a church we were restoring. She did something that pissed me off. Second-guessed me, or just laughed me off. I got angry, and pushed a ladder that fell on her. I heard one of those cracks where you know before you see it that something sick happened. When I walked around the pylon, her skull was shattered all over the floor. The back of her head still had hair on it, and was resting flat against the wood like it had been there all along. What makes a person dream something like this? Guilt? Fear? It bothers me that someone I’ve known since grade school got under my skin to the point where it’s uncomfortable to be at home.

theory on friends: we idealize our friends, ignore their faults, have complete loyalty to them. get a little older, and we discover hormones. Then we betray our friends, but do it with gusto and passion. Get a little older, and then our friends turn into people. We start to see their faults, dislike their faults. Here’s the point where we all realize that there isn’t a single person out there who we think we really, really are friends with, in the hollywood sense of the word. Later, they’ll still piss you off, but you’ll understand why they piss you off. ipso facto, e pluribus unum, and the other way round as well.

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